• counselling & COACHING


    Optimised Counselling


    Resolving problems and issues of every kind



    Our skilled counsellors and therapists use highly effective models and integrative methods to provide a wide range of professional counselling services


    Global availability online or by phone, or one-to-one in London UK


    Much of our work with individuals takes place mostly online using platforms such as Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp, and Skype. Telephone and one-to-one appointments are also available. Sessions are typically one hour in length. Our fees are reasonable and available on request. If you have any questions please message us.

    To book, message us below or call us on +44 (0)7368 800 849


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    One-to-one Counselling

    Whatever challenges you may be facing, we offer one-to-one counselling for all issues.

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    Individual Psychotherapy

    Our psychotherapists can help you deal with deeper issues or more complex problems that threaten your happiness, health or well-being.

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    Vocational Counselling

    We provide expert occupational assessment, vocational guidance and career counselling.

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    Crisis & Trauma Counselling

    A specialist service for those facing conflict, crisis or change, as well as survivors of trauma or loss.

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    Couples Counselling

    Our couples counsellors work with relational and communications problems of every kind.

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    Family Therapy

    When families and their members are struggling, our family therapists are ready to help facilitate constructive change.

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    Employee Counselling

    Working with employers we offer the full range of employee assistance services in counselling and psychotherapy.

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    Counselling Supervision

    We provide ongoing individual supervision for counsellors and psychotherapists, and we run clinical supervision groups for the caring professions.


    Message us here with your counselling needs and we'll get back to you as soon as we can

  • COUNSELLING & coaching


    Optimised Coaching


    Moving lives, careers and leadership forward



    Our expert coaches use world-class methods to deliver a wide range of coaching services designed to optimise competencies, careers and contentment


    Global availability online or by phone, or one-to-one in London UK


    Much of our work with individuals takes place mostly online using platforms such as Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp, and Skype. Telephone and one-to-one appointments are also available. Sessions are typically one hour in length. Our fees are reasonable and available on request. If you have any questions please message us.


    To book, message us below or call us on +44 (0)7368 800 849


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    Life Coaching

    A good coach can help you achieve so much more than you could on your own. Why settle for less?

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    Career Coaching

    Could you be happier at work? Work choices, career development and job satisfaction can all be improved through career coaching.

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    Executive Coaching

    Unpack your full executive potential, achieve optimum performance and enjoy high level well-being.

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    Leadership Coaching

    Increase your leadership effectiveness and your ability to influence others in powerful and constructive ways.


    Message us here with your coaching needs and we'll get back to you as soon as we can

  • psychological tESTS

    Discover so much more about yourself with our extensive range of psychological measures



    Taking psychological indicators with us is fun and couldn't be more simple. Call or email us to arrange an assessment session. We'll then create your unique profile and arrange a feedback session where we'll take you through the results.


    Acceptance of Others Test

    How accepting are you?

    Our acceptance of others can have a powerful effect on our relationships. How accepting of others are you? This test will help you check out your position on this key attitude.

    Anger Test

    Anger management builds on anger assessment

    Poorly managed, anger can have destructive consequences for ourselves and others. Use this objective assessment of your anger level to see just how angry you really are.

    Anxiety Test

    How anxious are you?

    Anxiety can rob us of action, opportunities and happiness. Taking this test will show you how anxious you are and mark the first step on your journey towards overcoming anxiety.

    Assertiveness Test

    Check your assertiveness level

    Becoming appropriately assertive can help to make us more effective and feel more fulfilled. Get a picture of how assertive you are with this test.

    Beck Depression Test

    Are you depressed?

    Beck's depression inventory is respected world-wide for it's value in assessing depression. Use this measure to get an objective sense of how depressed you are.

    Cattell 16PF Personality Test

    Discover more of your personality

    A deeper knowledge of your personality can help you make better everyday decisions. Discover more of the richness of your personality with this highly regarded and well validated measure.

    Concern for Others Test

    How concerned are you?

    A healthy level of concern for others contributes to good relationships, positive impact, personal and business success. Find out how concerned you are with this measure.

    Contentment with Life Test

    How contented with life are you?

    Contentment with life is linked to happiness and well being. How contented are you? This measure will help you check out whether you need to work on this area.

    Couple Compatibility Test

    Are you compatible?

    Whether you're in a new relationship or you've been together for some time, this test will give you helpful information on your compatibility.

    Dental Treatment Anxiety Test

    How great is your fear of dentistry?

    Fear of dentistry can stop you getting the treatment you need if you don't address it. Take the first step to sorting things out with this helpful test.

    Desire for Change Test

    How important is change to you?

    How we view change can have a profound effect on how we act and our level of stress. Get in touch with your desire for change with this key measure.

    Enthusiasm for Life Test

    How great is your enthusiasm for life?

    Our level of enthusiasm for life will be a key factor determining whether we move confidently towards things or neurotically away from them. This test will help you assess where you stand.

    Family Satisfaction Test

    How satisfying is your family life?

    Every family has its own culture and dynamics influencing the members in significant ways. Exploring our satisfaction with family can be the first step in enriching family life.

    Fear of Appearing Incompetent Test

    Confident in your competence?

    No one likes to look incompetent, but anxiety in this area can diminish our life and work success. Take a step to dealing with your lack of confidence with this helpful measure.

    Fear of Death Test

    How strong is your fear of death?

    As a universal experience, fear of death is something we all have to deal with. Honestly assessing the level of your own fear could be the first step to addressing it more effectively.

    Fear of Injury Test

    Afraid of getting hurt?

    Fear of injury can make us overly hesitant, avoidant or unwilling to take risks. Take the first step to resolving it with this fear of injury indicator.

    Fear of Rejection Test

    How great is your fear of rejection?

    No one likes rejection and unresolved rejection anxiety can undermine careers, relationships and well being. Check out your rejection anxiety with this test.

    Fear of Snakes Test

    How afraid of snakes are you?

    Fear of snakes is a common phobia that can be restricting. Managing the fear better starts with facing it. This test will help you asses the level of your fear.

    Fear Test

    Check your fear level

    How fearful are you? Unresolved fears can easily hold us back from living our life to the full. Start addressing your fear with this assessment test.

    Free Association Test

    Explore your unconscious

    There aren't many ways to explore and identify what's in the unconscious mind, but the free association technique is a time honoured means of doing so. Embark on a journey of self discovery and get connected with more of the rich psychological tapestry that makes up who you are.

    Happiness Test

    How happy are you?

    Like most people you probably want to be happy, but just how happy are you? The path to greater happiness starts with facing how happy we are now. This test can help you see how happy you really are.

    Identifying Jobs that Suit Your Occupational Personality

    What are the best jobs for you?

    Don't be a round peg in a square hole. This test will help you see the kinds of jobs that best suit your occupational personality. For the best results we suggest that you take this test after the Occupational Personality Test (see below).

    Job Satisfaction Test

    Check your level of job satisfaction

    How happy are you in the work that you do? This test will give you a clear indication of your present level of job satisfaction.

    Life Change Stress Test

    Assess your current stress level

    Awareness of your current stress level is an important part of managing life and avoiding ill health. This classic measure will help you assess the influence of life events over the last 12 months on your present level of stress.

    Life Strategy Test

    Discover your life strategies

    Strategise more effectively. Everyone builds strategies for managing life, but few are aware of them. This innovative test will give you a helpful profile of the strategies you currently employ.

    Marriage Perspectives Test

    Be clear on your marital role

    How partners see their marital roles can have a profound effect on the quality of their relationship. Identifying our own perspective is a first step in working towards greater marital harmony.

    Medical Treatment Anxiety Test

    How anxious are you about treatment?

    Fear of medical interventions can increase stress and may hold you back from getting the treatment you need. Getting a clearer idea of the level of your anxiety can be the first step to addressing it.

    Moral Anxiety Test

    Check your level of moral anxiety

    One of the keys to understanding our own conscience, resolving feelings of guilt and better managing stress is an awareness of our moral anxiety. This test will help you identify your own moral anxieties.

    Myers-Briggs Type Test

    How does your personality function?

    Are you more extraverted or introverted? Do you rely more on your senses or your intuition? Identify your preferred use of psychological functions with this popular indicator, and increase your understanding of the ways you typically manage life.

    Occupational Personality Test

    Discover your occupational personality

    Your personality will make you better suited to some occupations than others. Find out which areas of work best suit your occupational personality with this insightful test.

    Occupational Resilience Test

    How resilient are you in your job?

    How resilient are you in your workplace? Check out your current position with this test that focuses on three key personality areas related to occupational resilience and job satisfaction.

    Physical Anxiety Test

    Check your level of physical anxiety

    Many people worry about their physical appearance, fitness or health, and these worries can contribute to stress and reduced well being. Check out your level of physical anxiety here.

    Public Speaking Anxiety Test

    How anxious does public speaking make you?

    Do you get nervous at the thought of speaking in public? Fear of speaking in front of groups is a common phobia. Measuring your anxiety in this area could be the first step to resolving it.

    Self Acceptance Test

    How high is your self acceptance?

    Poor self acceptance can undermine well being and adversely influence our relationships with others. Identify your level of self acceptance and discover any areas you may need to work on with this helpful measure.

    Self Awareness Test

    How self aware are you?

    A good level of self awareness is a prerequisite for success in every arena of life. How self aware are you? This useful measure will give you a more objective picture of just how aware of yourself you are, and provide valuable pointers for development in this area.

    Self Confidence Test

    Check your confidence level

    Do you sometimes wish you had more self confidence? Whether you feel you're under- or over-confident, this helpful measure will help you get a clearer picture of your confidence level and prepare you for any personal development work you may need to do.

    Self Efficacy Test

    How well do you think you do things?

    Self efficacy is about how well we think we do things. People with high self efficacy based on honest self awareness are likely to enjoy a greater sense of well being. Check out your self-efficacy levels in a broad range of areas with this unique and ground-breaking measure.

    Self Image Test

    Check your self image

    What do you see when you look at yourself? How you view yourself has a dramatic impact on how you think, how you feel, and what you do. Check out your self-image and identify any areas to change with this useful test.

    Social Satisfaction Test

    How happy are you with your group?

    Relationships are an important part of life and emotional health can be linked to how we feel about those we're with. This measure will help you understand how comfortable you are with any work, friendship or family group you are currently in.

    Stimulus Hunger Test

    How much stimulation do you need?

    Everyone needs stimulation but our level of stimulus hunger can exert a powerful influence on our behaviour. This test will help you get a picture of how you manage this area.

    Stress Test

    How stressed are you?

    One way or another we all face the challenge of dealing with stress. Successful stress management starts with assessing how stressed we are. Check out your current stress level with this stress test.

    Taylor-Johnson Temperament Test

    Discover more of your character

    How would you describe your character? Successful character development relies upon growing character awareness. Explore the different facets of your character and their current weightings with this helpful indicator.

    Values Test

    Be clear on your values

    Much of life is driven by values, but we may not be aware of all the values we have. Identifying our values can improve our decision making. This test will give you a picture of your values and the relative strength of each.

    Vocational Interests Test

    What work best suits you?

    What kind of work are you best suited for? This test is not only ideal for young people considering career choices but also for anyone reviewing their career or considering a career change.

    Zung Depression Test

    How depressed are you?

    Have you been feeling low, or wondering whether you might be depressed? This scale will give you a better idea of where you are, and could be the first step to addressing the problem.